Well, November has passed on by, not unlike a house on wheels that rolls past your front door, and as it......does.......so.......
That seems odd to me.
Anyway, it's crunch time. Time to run around with a head empty of good ideas hoping some gifts present themselves as appropriate, if not great, for the grand tradition of Xmas.
Went down to northern California with Fredrick and the kids for Turkey weekend. Great change of scene.****added later: I mean Fredrick and Meghan's kids, not mine and Fredrick's. We get enough of that confusion as it is. Not that there's anything wrong with that.****
The band remains in limbo, so of course we've kicked up the marketing....
I apparently have very little to say.
Oh yeah, it seems there's another presidential election to not look forward to next year. Really need that instant runoff voting if they are going to keep giving us these crappy options. Rank them all with the worst of the worst at the bottom of your wish list, and put the not so horrible at the top. Not so horrible in the sense that they will probably tear up a little when they send us off to be tortured in another country, or when Blackwater/DynCorp come knocking on your door, weapons drawn, to give you your new lifetime assignment for the betterment of the Homeland.
Am I joking?
We'll see.
And on that fine note we roll into the season of giving.
Speaking of which, here's a nice footnote: I've been tossing money to certain charities here and there, one of which being a group that supposedly helps paralyzed vets. The most recent mailing from them encouraged me to fill out an Xmas card and send it back with some dough. I was going to do that when I got this odd itching feeling. I mean, I know our government treats these fine folks like dogs when they come back, but what if this "charity" I'm handing money to is just as unscrupulous? A few days later I see some philanthropy watchdog gave them an F for their efforts. Apparently very little of my money was actually going to the cause.
Beware folks, your heart's in the right place but there are some really sucky characters out there that will happily jerk your tears for a good cause while they put your cash right into their wallets.
I wish them all the worst.
And with that I say, "Bring on that season of light!". My eyes are open, and my coal bin is full of presents.
And to the kind hearted: Be good, and take care of yourselves and anyone else you can squeeze in!