Alright, I'm down to the wire again for a post, the last half of this month has been kinda nutty, and as I hinted below, I had a post in mind a while back but held off on it.
Screw it, here it is:
It all started with the death of Jerry Falwell, one of the many hypocrites using the Bible to mask their inhumanity to man. That made me ponder the whole false prophets thing. I mean, how many religions actually warn you to watch out for fakes who use said religion to lie, cheat, steal, sometimes kill, etc.? Pretty handy warning, it seems to me. Very wise.
Except people are always looking in the wrong direction for these jokers. I mean, it ain't the cultist nuts from Venus they're talking about here, these are people cloaking themselves in this particular religion who don't actually believe what it says. These are the ultra-rich fakers who talk nice about Jesus, but apparently wish he had never opened his big mouth. They're right there, easy to spot, doing as they say not to do. Seems pretty simple to me.
But that led me to wonder if these chuckle heads believe anything when it comes to the Bible....and, you know, I think they do believe part of it. They believe in the stuff about Hell, and how causing pain and suffering (some call it sin) can get you a choice ticket to the worst place imaginable. But the deal is, with these characters, they actually WANT to go. In fact, they are vying for the choicest seat they can get next to the Big Stinky Cheese (some call him Satan).
And once you figure that out, you realize how hard you have to work to get to be one of the worst people to ever have existed....Sure, if you want to cause a lot of pain and suffering you can go out and get yourself a gun and kill/maim a bunch of people. But as far as the main players in this game are concerned, that's SO amateur. You do that and you'll get caught. Done. The end of your efforts. For cryin' out loud, you're competing with some serious monsters here, you've got to wise up! So what do you do?
Well, you wrap yourself in either Money, Religion, or the State. Thus you are insulated from the moral outcry that any other individual would have to answer to. Sure people are dying and suffering, but it's all about the bottom line, or they are sinners that need to suffer, or it's just the way the world works when a country does what it has to do.
So the winner so far, in my estimation, has to be Hitler, right? Regardless of those who have killed more people, in this particular context, he excelled at evil. I mean, he attempted to wipe "God's chosen people" from the face of the planet. That puts him practically in the Devil's lap, si?
But there are still plenty of sweet seats left there, and you might be able to knock Stalin or Mao a few placemats down if you can get away with more on the suffering scale than they did. So the ticket is to become President (or a Vice President who's really in charge) of one of the most powerful countries on earth, start killing a bunch of people, and tell everyone that it's really, really necessary to do so. No one holds you accountable. They may say you are misguided, they may call you names. But the killing? It just keeps rolling on. Who's going to stop you? You've tied up the whole population in your attempt to be the nastiest *%&#^ on the planet for all time, they aren't going anywhere but along for the ride.
Suddenly everything makes sense. These people WANT to be evil. They WANT to hate. They WANT to kill. They LOVE injustice. They wear Jesus like a cheap T-shirt while they do it. This is a contest going on throughout the ages. They are the competitors. Once you realize this, you'll be able to spot them a mile away.
And then maybe we can get to work on making sure this crap doesn't happen any more.
'Cause this is just WRONG.
It's EVIL.
Just watch. Tell them to go to hell and they'll lick their chops in anticipation.