How are you?
A handful of things to report, one of which being the above, always awesome experience of seeing the Flaming Lips in concert. This time it was a smaller venue in Portland, but magical as always. Will I ever tire of these shows? Doesn't seem probable, seeing as how they kick so much...well, you know.
One major band-related development: we have our own space. Well, technically I have my own space that the band is free to use. But if the band isn't using it, I will be. So there's bound to be something coming out of that in the near future.
Where the heck are the vids I've promised myself and others to post? Yeah, yeah, pipe down, it'll happen. Eventually.
Dick Dale, legendary surf guitarist played Squirrel's Tavern last night here in Cornvalley. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about will be all like, "Huh?". So I'm like, "yeah, crazy, eh?". Can't go wrong with a Dick Dale show.
Say, how about this: all the people who come here to read this hot blog, let's have us a little participatory exercise. I'm trying to come up with a name for this "studio" that I've inherited. Fatguy Flats has been floated. Any other bright ideas? Keep in mind that this will one day be known by a billion people as the place where those famous guys recorded. I ain't saying who, I'm just coloring in the details here....
That's about it for now, and for September. I turned 87 earlier this month while in Vegas, submerged under a severe football fever. Not mine, of course, but everyone else's. (Hello, everyone else!) This milestone has me pondering the next 87 years and what they will bring. Oh, who am I kidding, we all know the jig is up in 2012, right? As Oberfrumper Hillary marches our battalions into the jaws of a literal hell, what will we be rapping about? Not really rapping, but, you know, rappin'. Perhaps it will be that amazing album we released from some totally half-assed studio way back when....
And to those whose month ended at 4:45 this Friday I say, what the hell's wrong with you? October ain't 'till Monday, Nutzo!
Alright. I'll see you then.