Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Scary thanks.
The rest of you are in for some serious finger wagging the next time I see you.
No treats for you!
The trick will be waking up on Nov. 5th.
Go Ron Perot!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Well, well, wellity wellwell!
October 18th
Senior Supermonster gets its turn onstage at Squirrel's.
This is the real deal.
Our friends in Project 431 will be joining us.
We'd dig it if you would too.
We'll blow the lid off the joint if you do.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Now Less Than Ever
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanks to They Won't Stay Dead!! for starting off with a bang.
No problem.
See, I'm in both bands, so things get a little schizoid around here from time to time.
We'll be booking another go at Bombs in the future, so you see how well it went...
We've nailed the Squirrel's gig to 10/18/08, a very digital date with some sideways infinities.
We'll be trying to poke our collective nose in Eugene soon, so there's that.
For me, personally, there are two big shows on the horizon: Beck this weekend in Bend and The Residents in October in Santa Cruz. Yeeeeeee!
And how about that thing, huh? Crazy.
No, not that thing, the thing.
Yep. Crazy.
Senior Supermonster,
The Residents,
They Won't Stay Dead
Friday, July 11, 2008

First, as to the the above pic, Senior Supermonster is headlining it's own gig a Bombs Away Cafe on Saturday, Aug 2nd! And we've got They Won't Stay Dead!! opening for us.
That was the big news last month. TWSD features yours truly pounding on the drums, of all things. It's all Surf and it's got zombie theme to it. We made our big debut first at a house party, then opening for our friends Project 431 at Bombs. Most of the folks who saw us for free then paid money to see us again. So that's cool.
It's going to be a wild night.
There's 18 hundred other things to be discussed, but I'll leave it at that for now. Come on down to Bombs on the 2nd and see how nutty things get.
Friday, May 23, 2008

Thanks to all the fine folks who showed up to shimmy and shake to our, how you say, "rock". Senior Supermonster fans are the best fans in the world! Say, "Huh?"! Yeah!
We had a really sweet article in the local rag as well. I'll try to post a link to an archive if I ever find it, since apparently all hard copies were purchased by our rabid fans.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
May Day Thankya
We had fun in the sun!
And thanks again to everyone who worked their hineys of to make it happen.
'Twas a fine event!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Mayday! Mayday!

Looks like we've got a last minute touchdown scheduled. We'll be landing quite cleverly at the May Day fest this year, mostly because of how awesome we were last year.
This time it's out at Adair park. We're hitting the ground at noon on Saturday, as far as we can tell.
Should be fun!
Keep an eye out for us, we'll be coming in hot!
Monday, March 17, 2008

We had a rollickin'/rockin' good time last Saturday playing for the BCSA. They put on a great show for their first go, and we appreciate the heck out of them for doing so.
Inspired by the other acts and the folks in attendance, we rocked like we hadn't necessarily rocked before. It was a sweaty, cleansing event for us. Seeing a mosh pit form and some wild movement from the audience pushed us into overdrive. Thanks to all of those who went nuts. That was awesome.
More pics and info to be had here:
We've got some other things possibly happening in the near future, and as always you'll find the latest scoop right here.
And we may or may not be appearing and reappearing on MySpace, whatever that is.
Take care, y'all!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

All the info is here:
5 acts for $5 and it's a benefit, so there!
We'll be starting around 9pm and playing for 45 minutes or so.
The entire show will transition from acoustic to rock to punk, and we're spanning the rock to punk bridge.....
Perhaps we will see you there!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thanks to Bombs, to Project431 for letting us share their evening, and to all the folks who showed up and gave us a big, ol' boost.
And a hearty finger waggling to all those who didn't make it. Tsk.
By looking at all the cash we pocketed, we had 63.33333333333 paying customers. That's 63 more than we were willing to hope for.
Oh, and if you see any of us walking down the street, be sure to shout, "Senior Supermonster sucks!", and we'll know you love us.
Next up: March 8th at Oddfellows Hall here in Corvallis, playing with 4 other bands to benefit the local skate park. Details here:
Hopefully we'll see you there.
Oh, a couple of vids from the Bombs gig will be making it to the main site soon so keep checking in there every few minutes like I know you do 24/7....
We love you crazies!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Bombs Away Café
2527 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR
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