This time, as promised, the concept came first, the elements offered themselves up, and in the end I think that I can rank this with the best that I've done.
The concept was a retro 60s mod throwback to the big shows with eclectic guests that went on before the psychedelics kicked in. We had three bands on the lineup, so that made some sense. I had the general design in my head, so I just needed to execute it.
The elements:

I had wanted something to fill in behind the band images and names, so I started looking for ecstatic crowd shots and of course they all seem to be tied to The Beatles.
The bottom one was great for many reasons, but my favorite is the guy with his hands over his ears. I really wanted to use the girl with her fingers in her ears in the top shot but, again, I was worried that some might not find it so funny.
Now that I'd had my laughs, it was time to wrangle text to the distant finish.