Tuesday, October 8, 2013

About Those Things

So it seems Dario Argento has a new movie out.  It currently has an 8% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and The A.V. Club gave it a D.  Is it good bad or bad bad?  Hard to say.  It's in 3D but the reviews make it sound like it's not used well.  (If you're doing a bad 3D movie, you should really go the Count Floyd route with it, in my opinion.)  I really like some of his earlier stuff but consensus seems to be that he hasn't really made anything worth seeing in a while, and his penchant for shooting nude scenes of his daughter (!) in most of them is weird and confounding.

On the coincidence front, I had a dream this morning, one of many while drifting in and out of sleep contemplating an early rise for Wups practice.  Bill Corbett of MST3K fame gave me a piggyback ride across a footbridge in Madison while we were chased by a couple of kangaroos. Today I see one of his Tweets is:  "Too much coffee, need to box a kangaroo.  Internet:  deliver me a kangaroo, gloves laced, preferably wearing hilarious boxing trunks!"  This is the second time recently I'd wished I was on Twitter so I could respond, but what with the blogging and the Vimeo and all, I really don't need to add another venue where I do next to nothing.

The earlier instance of my Tweetlessness was when Joel Hodgson, creator of MST3K, tweeted a line from Adventure Time.  No one has since responded, so I will bring it up when I see him at the Cinematic Titanic shows later this month.  It's always fun when worlds you love collide!

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