Monday, March 31, 2014


I made a last minute decision yesterday to go for a big hike that I had been contemplating, one consisting of trails I'd never been on.  It ended up being nearly two miles uphill at the start, which made me second guess myself and wonder if I should turn around...often.  But I kept thinking that I would just go to the top of the rise in front of me and see what happens.  Eventually the trail did stop going up, but man was I up.  I had my light rain jacket on and sometime after things evened out I felt water running down my wrists and realized it was coming from me.  I took the jacket off and the entire inside was soaking with my own steam.  I carried it for a while to air it out and to get some cooler air on me.  At one point there was a pretty good rain shower so the jacket went back on and I kept going.  It was over two and a half hours of nearly nonstop walking, up, down, all over.  I feel good about that.  And I came away with some bad camera pics:

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