Yesterday was the first time in a long while that there was an MST3K Turkey Day Marathon. Of course this one was online and what with this crazy modern world of ours included thousands all watching at the same time and tweeting live along with it all, expanding the horizons of the fanbase and creating connections across seas and such. Add the fact that the creator himself hosted with new bumpers culminating in him sitting down for dinner with the bots and you've got something very special, a modern outgrowth of a show I've loved for twenty five years.
I figured that I'd take it all back to the beginning for me with this post. I'd seen Joel on SNL and some good friends of mine had gone to watch him perform standup on Halloween of '87 and they were determined to bring me along for the same in '88. I was attending the U of M for what was to be the first brief foray into my scattered post-secondary education. The show was at a two drink minimum comedy club that no one remembers, and I was 18 when 18 was no longer the age of imbibing. Not only was I nervous about being busted, but I ineptly went about trying to look casual by making my first drink non-alcoholic. When I found out that the stiff ones cost the same as the non, my second ended up being a screwdriver. That seems like the drink of an experienced drinker, right?
I'm pretty sure that both Trace and Josh were also in the lineup that night. While Joel was on he went into a balloon animal routine and asked for suggestions from the crowd. I said snake and then someone else yelled snake and Joel brought that person up for a little nun puppet boxing to put him in his place. That could have been me. I cannot imagine that Joel would not have called me out if it were, being so obviously not of age. I consider it a dodged bullet.
Less than a month later I was watching the first episode of MST3K on snowy UHF down in Cannon Falls. I sat through as many episodes as I could catch which featured Gamera and the Thunderbirds puppets among others. Then the show moved on to the Comedy Channel, which the shitty cable company in Madison never carried, so I didn't get to see it again until Sci Fi picked it up late in the game. Since then I've recorded many episodes and bought many tapes and disks. I also re-upped in the fanclub, though I had joined way back in the day, being member sixty something. (I actually called in to the club to try to reclaim my original standing but it seems someone else was in my place. I have only my memory and faded card to prove how I was robbed.) For a brief time there was even an intern in the credits with my name. I just assume that it was a me from another dimension doing what it was our destiny to do.
After the show's demise I was still hanging on, visiting the Timmy Bighands site and following the other outgrowths with The Film Crew, RiffTrax, and Cinematic Titanic. In previous posts I've mentioned seeing a total of six CT shows over time, and that will be it since they are calling it quits. I always catch the RT shows when they do their thing.
And now, hopefully, this T-day thing keeps happening and none of it ever ends.