Monday, November 4, 2013

The woods are full of them, you know.

I went for a stroll in the woods yesterday and found the slopes fully populated with many varieties of fungi.  It's been a little dry this year, so I think that perhaps they didn't get to do their usual thing and now just before it gets too cold they are going for it, a mad dash for the finish line.

Some of these get pretty tempting to an unknowing animal.  This particular one had what looked to be a candy/jelly glaze on top that I'm sure would be really nasty to ingest.

Also, in the stagnant pond nearby, I spotted many little gold fishies lazing about.  I thought that they may be young salamanders of the type I had seen there earlier in the year, doing like the mushrooms and getting in one last blast of life before winter, but then I saw this much larger fish slowly appearing and disappearing at the bottom of the sludge as it made its way through hidden chasms in the depths.  Where do they go when it gets really, really cold?

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