Monday, December 16, 2013

And Then.....

I sent off #3 to another review rag and did a little better...

Some folks saw this and sent along the eight cents asking price, which I had chosen just because it's an awkward amount to put in an envelope, and I even received notes back saying how much they liked it.

I was working on the next issue when... I don't know... I just stopped and that was it.

So here for the first time ever is an exclusive look at what would have been Joe Average #4:

That blank panel on the first page would eventually have been populated by this:

So that was almost it, except many years later when I made the move out to Eugene only to find that they had killed my major of Film and Video just before I got there.  They were pushing me into their journalism program (!) and I wasn't having any of it.  So I drew one more bit with Joe, a take on something called Jim's Journal which was a strip that ran in The Onion.  In the Jim version the caption was "I went to college today.  It was OK."  I put the below on some t-shirts and gave them as Xmas presents.

And that is the near complete story of Joe Average, except.....

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