Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To Art Or Not To Art

As I once again tilt at the great windmill known as ART, something that I've been doing off and on again throughout most of my existence, I occasionally wonder what it is that keeps throwing me off the path.  Hearing about others' experiences it seems that the causes tend to be external, that someone else puts the squash on their dreams, sometimes by only being unsupportive.

I can't say that was the case with me, certainly not early on.  When I toyed with the idea of being a visual artist my parents bought me one of those tilting drawing tables (still have it) and rolling chairs (sittin' on it).  But at some point I flattened that fucker and have only used it since as just a table.

But today as I thought back to those days I was reminded of what (little) I had accomplished seated there, and that made me dig out the archives and realize that I should share this stuff here.  So starting tomorrow I'll be showing some early output from that period:  mini-comics!

Though this is an obvious avoidance of the question first raised here, it should be fun!

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