Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And What Of The World?

His brain having been recently transferred to a container made of a metallic substance mined on the far edge of the matter/time universe that we know, he was ready for the next stage of his voyage, a passage out and into the timeless, the matterless, the void of voids that confounded the very foundations of the knowledge he had long ago left behind with his supposedly preserved original body on a planet he could barely recall.

It had all been a steady progression of wonders that stepped him from the common of his own world to that of others nearby, with forms of both life an nonliving materials that broke against his previous conceptions of the possible, gradually at first and then at an increasing pace outwards to things that he would never have come close to understanding if he had simply leapt to them from his starting point.

Now even those astounding things were to be left behind as he moved to the next ring of understanding where all that he had seen thus far, with its myriad variances boggling he who embraced them, would be but a small subset of the knowledge yet to be shown and experienced and perhaps even understood in the revelations to come.

He was no longer who he had been before he left on the trip and he would soon not be the being that he currently was.  What would the end result be?  What type of thinking entity would emerge at the end of this unfathomable journey that he had undertaken?

That was the point of the trip, at least for those providing for his passage.  To find out.

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