Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Lie

It was all about control, controlling the future and the possibilities that those with vision had shared with those that steer the direction of the society that had been shaped and who still retained the power behind all the veils unable to be pierced by the masses.  There were chances ahead that might unseat the fulfillment of the long reaching goals contained in the plan and these must be headed off early and fully so as to persevere into the final stages of the endeavor.

The contradictions inherent in such were therefore hidden to those who espoused the wise saying about history and knowledge of such preventing repetition of its worst outcomes, for history itself was a construct that elided specifics holding lessons that could not be known and therefore would most likely need to be learned again.

For example, the idea that the progress of this supposedly modern society was a climbing line from the ugly and dark past to the current brilliance and then on to the hint of even brighter futures that had no breaks, no valleys and peaks from start to now was a carefully minded myth that masked the very dangers that were faced daily in this world which had in the past taken it all down and necessitated restarting from nearly nothing, so therefore it was almost guaranteed that the plunge would come again, for there was no serious preparation for such in the occluded faces of its previous realities.

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