Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Tail

He wuz boarn in thu tahl grases of thu planes on thu north syd of thu Kitchacoochie rivur neer thu yung town uf Dunglenagiddply.  Hiz muthr imeediatlee berst intu flamz fur been u wich and sew he wuz left to be razed by thu wild beests of thu wild.  Hiz bruthr waz a bobkat namd Hoowalli. Sinz thear wuz no won to nam him, he wuz simplee nown as RARRRR!

He spent thu fue yeers uf hiz lif runing arownd thu wild spases and onlee karing abowt wut to eet nekst.  It wuz u good lif.

It wuld al cum to un end soon wen thu trane braut thu man with thu silvur gunz.  Hiz hat wuz blak.

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