Friday, December 28, 2007

Help Spread the Word

The confusing, confusing word.

Because if anyone was going to make a difference back then, this would have been the guy to do that.
Print 'em. Post 'em. Spread the word. Open the eyes. Taste the magic.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The View From the End of November

Well, November has passed on by, not unlike a house on wheels that rolls past your front door, and as
That seems odd to me.
Anyway, it's crunch time. Time to run around with a head empty of good ideas hoping some gifts present themselves as appropriate, if not great, for the grand tradition of Xmas.
Went down to northern California with Fredrick and the kids for Turkey weekend. Great change of scene.****added later: I mean Fredrick and Meghan's kids, not mine and Fredrick's. We get enough of that confusion as it is. Not that there's anything wrong with that.****
The band remains in limbo, so of course we've kicked up the marketing....
I apparently have very little to say.
Oh yeah, it seems there's another presidential election to not look forward to next year. Really need that instant runoff voting if they are going to keep giving us these crappy options. Rank them all with the worst of the worst at the bottom of your wish list, and put the not so horrible at the top. Not so horrible in the sense that they will probably tear up a little when they send us off to be tortured in another country, or when Blackwater/DynCorp come knocking on your door, weapons drawn, to give you your new lifetime assignment for the betterment of the Homeland.
Am I joking?
We'll see.
And on that fine note we roll into the season of giving.
Speaking of which, here's a nice footnote: I've been tossing money to certain charities here and there, one of which being a group that supposedly helps paralyzed vets. The most recent mailing from them encouraged me to fill out an Xmas card and send it back with some dough. I was going to do that when I got this odd itching feeling. I mean, I know our government treats these fine folks like dogs when they come back, but what if this "charity" I'm handing money to is just as unscrupulous? A few days later I see some philanthropy watchdog gave them an F for their efforts. Apparently very little of my money was actually going to the cause.
Beware folks, your heart's in the right place but there are some really sucky characters out there that will happily jerk your tears for a good cause while they put your cash right into their wallets.
I wish them all the worst.
And with that I say, "Bring on that season of light!". My eyes are open, and my coal bin is full of presents.
And to the kind hearted: Be good, and take care of yourselves and anyone else you can squeeze in!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007


I'm fine.
How are you?
A handful of things to report, one of which being the above, always awesome experience of seeing the Flaming Lips in concert. This time it was a smaller venue in Portland, but magical as always. Will I ever tire of these shows? Doesn't seem probable, seeing as how they kick so much...well, you know.
One major band-related development: we have our own space. Well, technically I have my own space that the band is free to use. But if the band isn't using it, I will be. So there's bound to be something coming out of that in the near future.
Where the heck are the vids I've promised myself and others to post? Yeah, yeah, pipe down, it'll happen. Eventually.
Dick Dale, legendary surf guitarist played Squirrel's Tavern last night here in Cornvalley. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about will be all like, "Huh?". So I'm like, "yeah, crazy, eh?". Can't go wrong with a Dick Dale show.
Say, how about this: all the people who come here to read this hot blog, let's have us a little participatory exercise. I'm trying to come up with a name for this "studio" that I've inherited. Fatguy Flats has been floated. Any other bright ideas? Keep in mind that this will one day be known by a billion people as the place where those famous guys recorded. I ain't saying who, I'm just coloring in the details here....
That's about it for now, and for September. I turned 87 earlier this month while in Vegas, submerged under a severe football fever. Not mine, of course, but everyone else's. (Hello, everyone else!) This milestone has me pondering the next 87 years and what they will bring. Oh, who am I kidding, we all know the jig is up in 2012, right? As Oberfrumper Hillary marches our battalions into the jaws of a literal hell, what will we be rapping about? Not really rapping, but, you know, rappin'. Perhaps it will be that amazing album we released from some totally half-assed studio way back when....
And to those whose month ended at 4:45 this Friday I say, what the hell's wrong with you? October ain't 'till Monday, Nutzo!
Alright. I'll see you then.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Oh, There I Am

Hey, it's the end of the month, which means I'm furiously typing my...wait, no, furiously? Is that really possible?
Anyway, I should wrap up some loose ends and encapsulate some info that I never actually gave away here..what am I doing again?
We played the show announced a few posts below. We played mostly to the woods on that one. Fredrick's son Kaelan mopped the floor with us with his impromptu Coast Guard song. We never really recovered after that. Actually we had fun in the sun with next to no one.
Then we had a sort of open rehearsal over at Charlie's pad, with a receptive crowd who actually listened to us. And they even enjoyed what they heard. So that was a nice turnaround for us. ha?
And that rehearsal was in prep for a wedding of a friend of Charlie's. We didn't really know what to expect, but again we were appreciated. At one point we finished a song and a handful of younguns came running in cheering for us. In ten years they'll be buying all of our CDs. Or MP3s. Or Dreamcasts. Perhaps music-chips that they inhale....
So there you go. Summer is over, almost.
I've completely failed in my mission to keep myself informed of our own activities through this blog.
We're recharging.
Random sentences.
Meet me in September.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

To Hell With It

Alright, I'm down to the wire again for a post, the last half of this month has been kinda nutty, and as I hinted below, I had a post in mind a while back but held off on it.

Screw it, here it is:

It all started with the death of Jerry Falwell, one of the many hypocrites using the Bible to mask their inhumanity to man. That made me ponder the whole false prophets thing. I mean, how many religions actually warn you to watch out for fakes who use said religion to lie, cheat, steal, sometimes kill, etc.? Pretty handy warning, it seems to me. Very wise.

Except people are always looking in the wrong direction for these jokers. I mean, it ain't the cultist nuts from Venus they're talking about here, these are people cloaking themselves in this particular religion who don't actually believe what it says. These are the ultra-rich fakers who talk nice about Jesus, but apparently wish he had never opened his big mouth. They're right there, easy to spot, doing as they say not to do. Seems pretty simple to me.

But that led me to wonder if these chuckle heads believe anything when it comes to the Bible....and, you know, I think they do believe part of it. They believe in the stuff about Hell, and how causing pain and suffering (some call it sin) can get you a choice ticket to the worst place imaginable. But the deal is, with these characters, they actually WANT to go. In fact, they are vying for the choicest seat they can get next to the Big Stinky Cheese (some call him Satan).

And once you figure that out, you realize how hard you have to work to get to be one of the worst people to ever have existed....Sure, if you want to cause a lot of pain and suffering you can go out and get yourself a gun and kill/maim a bunch of people. But as far as the main players in this game are concerned, that's SO amateur. You do that and you'll get caught. Done. The end of your efforts. For cryin' out loud, you're competing with some serious monsters here, you've got to wise up! So what do you do?

Well, you wrap yourself in either Money, Religion, or the State. Thus you are insulated from the moral outcry that any other individual would have to answer to. Sure people are dying and suffering, but it's all about the bottom line, or they are sinners that need to suffer, or it's just the way the world works when a country does what it has to do.

So the winner so far, in my estimation, has to be Hitler, right? Regardless of those who have killed more people, in this particular context, he excelled at evil. I mean, he attempted to wipe "God's chosen people" from the face of the planet. That puts him practically in the Devil's lap, si?

But there are still plenty of sweet seats left there, and you might be able to knock Stalin or Mao a few placemats down if you can get away with more on the suffering scale than they did. So the ticket is to become President (or a Vice President who's really in charge) of one of the most powerful countries on earth, start killing a bunch of people, and tell everyone that it's really, really necessary to do so. No one holds you accountable. They may say you are misguided, they may call you names. But the killing? It just keeps rolling on. Who's going to stop you? You've tied up the whole population in your attempt to be the nastiest *%&#^ on the planet for all time, they aren't going anywhere but along for the ride.

Suddenly everything makes sense. These people WANT to be evil. They WANT to hate. They WANT to kill. They LOVE injustice. They wear Jesus like a cheap T-shirt while they do it. This is a contest going on throughout the ages. They are the competitors. Once you realize this, you'll be able to spot them a mile away.

And then maybe we can get to work on making sure this crap doesn't happen any more.

'Cause this is just WRONG.


It's EVIL.

Just watch. Tell them to go to hell and they'll lick their chops in anticipation.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


As hinted below, something is on the horizon.
I figured I should let all of the billions who come to this blog know as soon as possible, so that they can book their blimps, oxcarts, and cable cars.
July 21st, the Monster returns to the scene for a day of fun.
Be there.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Barely Made It

OK, so even my loose attempts to keep a post a month were nearly lost this time.

There's a reason.

See, I thought I would actually do the real deal, post something that I had been thinking about that I thought worthy of posting. So I wrangled it all in my head, and did a little Photoshopping to make my point. Then I showed the pic to my bandmates and they thought that I was about to really offend some folks. Huh. So second thoughts have put that on the backburner for now, but I'm not sure that post is really dead, just waiting for my cajones to come back.

And guess what? I even blew the idea that this would be the place to come for all Senior Supermonster info, 'cause the latest incarnation has made its debut. We had a slot at the annual May Day fest (yes, that one), and besides technical difficulties and an odd reaction from the crowd, it was OK. Not a huge success or anything, but OK. And I posted nothing about it, even after the fact. Oh, someday I'll develop my analog pics, I think I snapped 2, and post them, but who knows when.

However, at this point I can say we are planning an event this summer, a repeat of something we did a few years back. An outdoor mini-fest thingy.

Stay tuned.

However, at this point, May has come and gone.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

That Time of Year Again


It's already time for bunnies and zombies and smoking babies again, in honor of which I've dropped an egg on the website. It should be easy enough to find. Works best with IE for some reason, Firefox doesn't want to autoplay the goods.

It's also the THREE YEAR anniversary of a Senior Supermonster gig at The Black Forest Tavern in Eugene, where each of us walked away with a cool $4 in our pockets. Great place to play and nice folks, hopefully one of the first places we'll play when we get our act together.

I swear we're working on it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What can you say?

Seeing as this is a blog, you'd think there'd be something to say, but to me this pic says it all.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Before I Lose My License.....

I guess I'd better post something......
If you click on the link to the right and go to the Band page you will see a retro-like collage of the current batch of goofs that are Senior Supermonster. So that's new.
Recently saw a couple of amazing shows put on by a fellow named Dosh with an assist from my friend Mike Lewis. You can see what I'm talkin' bout here:
Plenty of YouTube footage of Dosh doing his thing as well.
Beyond that, the world continues to hurtle over the abyss that we all expect and no one seems to be doing anything about it, so that's not new.
Well, I could go on and on about nothing....but not yet.
Smell ya later.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A T-Shirt Made Me Do It

Irony of ironies.
I, who have lived so long entwined with the wit of the shirt ala T, to create a shirt of my own which then tells me what to do.
You see, I've been sitting on the domain name for Senior Supermonster for a long time without feeling the need to do a darn thing about it.
But when I recently decided to "do up" some special shirts, I put that domain on the back, and had to back it up. So suddenly I was scrambling to shoehorn my idea for a site onto the web while learning as little as possible in the process.
So check it out. The link on the upper right is the one. Take it for a spin. Sure, there's content to come, but the general idea is there. I've taken the latest technology and made it do things that were exciting 15 years or so ago. It's got a very clunky CD-ROM feel to it, which is actually what I was shooting for.
We're getting really close to leaving the gate right now, things are starting to line tune in here and there for the eventual news and updates.
And, heck, post a comment if you want to see your words on the web. It's exciting!