Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hard Work

This next batch were scribbled as I worked for MagicBox here in Corvallis.  I'd say most of them were done early on while providing tech support over the phone.  Things started to slack off as far as pen and ink output after a while, about the time I got my hands on PhotoShop......

Oh, here's one from my short stint working for the local rag, The Gazette-Times:

Monday, December 30, 2013


Since I'm going through the archives, I thought that I might as well snap pics of all of it and post the rest.

This batch is a bunch of doodles I made while working at a company called Persoft in Madison. It's hard to believe how long ago that was....

This series of red ink on postits seems to be missing my favorite, which was titled Face In Hand and combined a hand with various face parts in a surreal collage.  I hope it's still around here somewhere.....

Friday, December 27, 2013

A Post of Posters

Here are some posters that I created for the band that I was in long, long ago.  We were called Erosion Theme Park and these shows were in Madison, WI, sometime between the Fall of 1989 and the spring of 1991.

Then, after my year in Eugene, I returned to Madison and did a one-off show with friends opening for other friends.  We called ourselves The Devil's Butt, which has a long history behind it and the only reason we went with that name is pretty much all-around laziness.  I drew the poster for the show as well.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Shitter Through Time

It was many years after the previous issue that I decided to take one last stab at the comic, playing on an ongoing trend in the mainstream comics at the time:

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

For The Holiday

Here's something that I drew in the card that I sent to my brother and his family, who are spending their Xmas in Mexico:

(When I went to erase my pencil lines the ink started to smear, so that's why it's not perfect.)

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Shitter of the Past

With this next issue I retconned The Shitter into the past (though still in the same meadow) on another camping excursion when we were young, foolish, and playing at being soldiers.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Shitter Returns

I should explain.

My plan is to publish all of my issues of The Shitter here.  I did receive some issues from Brent, but since he hasn't laid eyes on them since he dropped them in the mail 22 years ago, they will be left out.  I'm all about shooting myself in the foot but no one else's needs to be harmed.

Also, the ones that I had sent Brent were colored, but these copies were made before that stage.

Also also, these are transparently an excuse to draw ourselves and our friends in comic form.

So here is The Shitter #3:

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Shitter

Getting back to comics, this one came about when I made that solo journey out to Eugene for a year of non-continuing education. A friend and I decided that it would be fun to create a comic to send back and forth to each other via mail.  It all grew out of a silly exchange at a campsite just before I left, which is recreated below.

And lo, The Shitter was begat:

Also, I notice my pageviews went nuts recently, and I have a feeling it might be because I added the tag Edward Woodward to a post.  I'm going to do that again here just to test the theory.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Movie Time!

My latest documentary:

The Beard from Scott Bowman on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bonus Content

With that teaser at the end of the last post, you knew there was something else coming, and here it is.  Along with all of the issues pulled from the archives I've also got a handful of sketch pages to share, including a try at Joe Average in 3D!

I was also working a non-Joe, non-stick figure work as well, some type of anime inspired sci fi that never got beyond the brainstorming...

Last and certainly least, here is a sketch of what appears to be one of my high school teachers:

Next:  more comics but less mini.

Monday, December 16, 2013

And Then.....

I sent off #3 to another review rag and did a little better...

Some folks saw this and sent along the eight cents asking price, which I had chosen just because it's an awkward amount to put in an envelope, and I even received notes back saying how much they liked it.

I was working on the next issue when... I don't know... I just stopped and that was it.

So here for the first time ever is an exclusive look at what would have been Joe Average #4:

That blank panel on the first page would eventually have been populated by this:

So that was almost it, except many years later when I made the move out to Eugene only to find that they had killed my major of Film and Video just before I got there.  They were pushing me into their journalism program (!) and I wasn't having any of it.  So I drew one more bit with Joe, a take on something called Jim's Journal which was a strip that ran in The Onion.  In the Jim version the caption was "I went to college today.  It was OK."  I put the below on some t-shirts and gave them as Xmas presents.

And that is the near complete story of Joe Average, except.....