Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Well, I finally blew it!

No post in November! LAME!
So here's one.
Have a holly, jolly, Xmas!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Tomorrow night? Already???
Better get crackin'!

Monday, August 10, 2009


In lieu of the awesomely hilarious vid below that no longer exists, here's an image ala a FARK Photo Shop contest in triplet of keyboard cat playing the end of the universe.
And on that note, They Won't Stay Dead!! plays Bombs Away Cafe for free this Friday at 9pm and it looks like Sr. Supermonster will hit Eugene again on the 24th of September at The Black Forest.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


It's been giving me much joy these past couple of days.
The odd intercuts during the anti-drug insanity, the fantastic integration with the H & O vid, especially the brief freeze frame that just seems so perfect.
Or is it just me?
Anyway, Senior Supermonster has a gig at Bombs Away July 25th.
Next month: Flaming Lips!!! Whooooooooooooo!
UPDATE 7/15/2009: Idiots killed the audio on that clip. Idiots.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weird Dreams

Having some really strange ones lately.
One ended thusly:
I posit to whomever I was talking to that reality/the present is composed of 32 minutes/seconds of memory.
My cat then asked how much the past weighs.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June Like A Freight Train

Third show in three weeks for the Dead!
This is how we take a break.
Next up, July 25th for Senior Supermonster!

Friday, May 8, 2009


(thanks to Katie Mae for the pic!)

Well, the chaos has come and gone....for now. Many gigs were played, many good times were had.

Senior Supermonster and They Won't Stay Dead!! tag teamed a show at Bombs Away and that was fun.
Sr. Supermonster's gig at Luckey's in Eugene went well thanks to all the folks who turned out, travellers as well as old friends coming out of the woodwork.

And there was much joy at MayDay, despite the muddy wetness that permeated...

Now there are question marks in the future, gigs that May or May not happen. Block party next week? Multi-band fest next month? Definitely a trip to Portland for TWSD!!

But the sun is finally out, and it's time to abandon the digital ball and chain.

Smell ya later!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Boy, the pace has suddenly picked up around here....
First, my trip to Seattle was an awesome escape. I got to see The Bad Plus many times. One of Branford M.'s albums was titled Crazy People Music. I dig the terminology, and I place this band in that category in my mind. Not that only crazy people would listen to it, but that you have to be nuts to be able to create/play it. These folks are beyond my limited skills of comprehension. If you get the chance, go. Unless you dislike fantastic music.
Cinematic Titanic was a total hoot. Didn't get my DVD signed, but did get a smile of acknowledgement from Trace. Good enough. If you get the chance, go. Unless it's too expensive....a billion dollars would be a little much.
They Won't Stay Dead!! put on another great show at Cloud 9, from whence the above photo comes (thanks, Dan). We'll be doing that again sometime in May, this time on a weekend.
Shows, shows, shows. Both Senior Supermonster and They Won't Stay Dead are playing Bombs Away Cafe on April 18th. Sr. SM is hitting Eugene at Luckey's on the 23rd. Both bands again are playing May Day, Sr.SM's 3rd year doing so. I'll have a formal announcement soon on the website.
April is suddenly a big, crazy month!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Early Smarch Post

Zombies at Cloud 9 on the 17th!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That's Entertainment?

The Zombie Valentines Night at Squirrel's was a screaming success!
Tons of folks having a good time, the band on their game, and even non-band zombies joining the mix! You can't beat that with a stick!
Unless that works for you....
Next up is St. Pat's at Cloud9.
I'll be fresh off my trip to Seattle seeing The Bad Plus tear it up. Hope I don't catch a jazz bug. That'd get in the way of the pure surf experience!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Alright already!!!

As January slips away, it's time to get really, really serious about this blog.
Meh. Forget that.
I successfully escaped the state of Oregon for the holidays, which was not easy. Portland has had the worst winter in 40 years, and for 3 days folks had been camped out at the airport. Somehow it didn't snow on the day I had scheduled my trip, though the usual hour and a half bus ride became four and a half instead. I barely made my first flight, then even more barely made my connection in Seattle. I got to pass some poor standby fool who they had given my seat to. Happy Holidays, dude.
So I was able to see my family and friends and all, and by the time I came back things had mellowed weather-wise.
Senior Supermonster made a field trip to Eugene to see my heroes, the Meat Puppets earlier this month, and that was such a killer show.....
The zombie band it racking up the shows for the near future, starting with Valentine's Day at Squirrel's Tavern, followed by St. Pat's at Cloud 9. We dig them saints. They are dead, after all.
I'm also looking forward to March, when I get to see my good friends Scout and Navigator as Scout takes the stage in Seattle for 4 nights in a row with The Bad Plus. This will be epic. Navigator and I will also be checking out a live performance of Cinematic Titanic while they are in town as well, which will engender flashbacks to when we went to see Joel H do standup in The Cities way, way back on Halloween 1988.
So lots of things boiling right now. Sr.SM is still getting together to goof off, and perhaps we'll play a show or two someday. We'll see. I've sent out the tendrills.
Bring on the next month!