Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A T-Shirt Made Me Do It

Irony of ironies.
I, who have lived so long entwined with the wit of the shirt ala T, to create a shirt of my own which then tells me what to do.
You see, I've been sitting on the domain name for Senior Supermonster for a long time without feeling the need to do a darn thing about it.
But when I recently decided to "do up" some special shirts, I put that domain on the back, and had to back it up. So suddenly I was scrambling to shoehorn my idea for a site onto the web while learning as little as possible in the process.
So check it out. The link on the upper right is the one. Take it for a spin. Sure, there's content to come, but the general idea is there. I've taken the latest technology and made it do things that were exciting 15 years or so ago. It's got a very clunky CD-ROM feel to it, which is actually what I was shooting for.
We're getting really close to leaving the gate right now, things are starting to line up....so tune in here and there for the eventual news and updates.
And, heck, post a comment if you want to see your words on the web. It's exciting!